If you’re unfamiliar with RJS and RN, you may be wondering about web and mobile development. However, RJS and RN are distinguishable, even if they are similar.

The React.js development services and RN will be examined in this post, along with their godsends and disservices. By the judgment, you will thoroughly understand both of them and their unique use cases.

First, it’s essential to learn how websites are rendered on web browsers to understand the distinctions between RJS and RN.

How Websites Get Rendered

The short guide by Celadonsoft:

When you enter a website’s URL into your browser’s address bar and press enter, the browser sends a request to the web server, which response by sending an HTML file back to the browser.

The HTML file encompasses linked files like stylesheets, videos, and graphics in addition to the content of the webpage. After parsing the HTML file, the browser creates a DOM, a hierarchical design that holds the page’s elements.

Subsequently, the user’s computer receives the associated files as downloads from the browser. After parsing these files, which include CSS and JS, the content is styled to make it seem good. The browser displays the material on the screen when all files have been downloaded.

Additionally, the browser executes any JS code to add interactivity to the page. For instance, if a user submits incorrect information in a form, JS can dynamically insert a `<div>` element into the page to display an error message.

However, a significant challenge arises when inserting elements into the DOM using JS: the code is not easily reusable. For example, if you need to insert the same button into the page multiple times with different background colors, you must duplicate the element creation code in JS.

Detailed UI complicates this issue, leading to lengthy and convoluted code. React was developed to address this problem by presenting a more organized and reflexive strategy for making web cases.

What is React.js?

Simply put, RJS allows developers to construct a website’s visible and interactive parts displayed within a browser window.

So, what sets React apart from plain JS? React streamlines the UI design process, enabling the creation of reusable elements across different parts of a website or application. Previously, using JS alone meant duplicating code to create identical elements with other properties, leading to complexity, especially in large projects.

What is React.js

React’s component-based architecture effectively addresses this challenge. Each UI element, such as a button, is defined as a component—a function that returns JSX, HTML-like syntax specifying the component’s presentation and appearance in the browser.

Consider the necessity of having a single button in many different colors for different areas of a website. With React, developers can easily generate variants by using the same element and passing multiple color values as props, eliminating the need to manually code each button with distinct color parameters.

This approach promotes simplicity and organization, core principles of the RJS library. Additionally, React encourages the separation of concerns, meaning a component’s data, logic, and presentation layers remain distinct. This separation enhances component understandability and composability.

In summary, React simplifies front-end development for web applications by offering a structured and efficient approach to building UI components.

Differences between React Native and React.js

The primary unlikeness of RJS and RN lies in their app domains:

  • React JS is primarily employed to construct the UI of web applications operating within web browsers.
  • In contrast, RN is utilized to craft applications compatible with iOS and Android devices, facilitating the development of cross-platform mobile applications.

While React employs HTML, CSS, and JS to engineer interactive UI, RN utilizes native UI components and APIs to fashion mobile apps.

Despite this contrast, React JS and RN share commonalities:

  • Both use a component-based design and the same core React framework, which makes it possible for developers to successfully modularize their projects.
  • Both use JS as their programming language and JSX is their templating language.
  • Virtual DOMs are used by both React DOM and RN to render apps quickly.
  • Although they use comparable stylistic elements and approaches, RN’s methodology can be a little different.
  • Both platforms’ apps may be debugged using Chrome DevTools.
  • For functionality, they make use of the same JS APIs.
  • It’s interesting to note that both were created at Meta; RN evolved from a hackathon project, while React was the brainchild of software developer Jordan Walke.

Moreover, several libraries commonly used with React for web development, such as Axios, Bootstrap CSS, and Tailwind CSS, also offer mobile versions compatible with RN, facilitating seamless integration between the two frameworks.


The article compares RJS and RN, two similar but distinct web and mobile development tools. First, it explains how websites are rendered on web browsers using HTML, CSS, and JS. It then introduces RJS as a library that simplifies front-end development by offering a more organized and intuitive approach to building UI components for web applications. RJS is based on a component-based architecture that promotes simplicity and organization, making creating reusable elements across different parts of a website or application easy.

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Kaushal Malkan
You can always find me playing the piano or playing FIFA when I'm not binge-watching TV Series with pizzas. Fountainhead of TechWhoop. Life motto: The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.


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